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Authentic testimonials from violinists,

concrete feedback


These violinists learned directly from my mini-tutorials by seeing them on the networks, and testify to their usefulness!

"Eva's mini tutorials are great in musicality and technicality. It helped me to think about phrasing and also accentuation in jazz violin. I'm so happy to discover this content!"

Vini Gleriano

"The Eva Slongo mini tutos are an exce

lent way of learning and understanding how to paint an specific color in a musical phrase or lick. Really love it! (you should try them in all the 12 keys )"

Luis Andres Tovar

"The mini tutorials helped me practice and develop new ideas for jazz violin phrasing. Some of them had different bow or left-hand techniques, which motivated me to study the techniques used more deeply. The mini tutorials sparked my curiosity to research more about this repertoire and how the violin can be included in it."

Carol Cantagallo